The Counselor

The Counselor spelled The Counsellor in some markets is a 2013 BritishAmerican crime thriller film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Cormac McCarthy. It stars Michael Fassbender as the eponymous Counselorwho gets in over his head in a drug deal around the troubled Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Texas border areaas well as Penlope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem and Brad Pitt. The film deals with primal human concerns like greed, mortality, love, and trust concomitant to the theme of competition in a high stakes criminal environment, using the metaphor of predatory behaviour at the apex of the natural food chain.

A man, known only as The Counselor, and his girlfriend Laura are talking sexily in bed. Meanwhile, somewhere in Mexico, cocaine is packaged in barrels and concealed in a sewage truck, driven across the border and stored at a sewage treatment plant.After the Counselor goes to Amsterdam to meet with a diamond dealer to purchase an expensive engagement ring for Laura, he proposes and she accepts. He drives expensive cars and wears elegant suits. At a party thrown by Reiner and girlfriend Malkina, the Counselor discusses a nightclub he and Reiner intend to run, as well as an upcoming drug deal, which would be his first. ........

Source: Wikipedia